West Cork Fit Up | 9th Jul - 4th Aug 2024



Written by: Michael Patric

Directed by: Geoff Gould

Age Suitability: 14+

Running Time: 75min –  no interval

A man who sacrificed, suffered, and risked his life for his country.

“The men who fought the War of Independence were neither adventurers nor professional soldiers to whom revolution was the breath of life, they were men who left their peaceful avocations in a patriotic desire to serve their country, they expect- ed neither reward nor recognition.”

Seán Moylan gave a detailed account of his memory of the War of Independence to the Bureau of Military History which gives us a clear insight into the mind of a revolutionary leader. It is precise, passionate, funny, and painful.

There is an understandable reluctance to talk about the period of time from 1918 to 1923, but after one hundred years shouldn’t we be able to discuss and pass on what is on record?

This play is one man’s account of key events during this period. A man who sacrificed, suffered, and risked his life for his country. It is a tribute to him and to all who volunteered, many of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice, and to their families who bear it.


a masterclass in both writing and acting– The Independent

An extraordinary story– Irish Examiner

Accurate and very powerful– The Avondhu


Michael Patric

Newmarket native Michael Patric is a well known performer on both stage and screen and recently starred as Da in the Oscar Nominated film An Cailín Ciúin (The Quiet Girl).

Dates & Venues

Tue February 13th 2024 – 8:00 pm
Ballynoe Community Hall
Tickets at door

Wed February 14th 2024 – 8:00 pm
Bartlemy Parish Hall
Tickets at door

Thu February 15th 2024 – 8:00 pm
Inch Community Centre
Tickets at door

Sun February 18th 2024 – 8:00 pm
The Palace Theatre, Fermoy
Tickets at door